Historical Spotlight: Zhong Hui (225-264)

Zhong Hui as rendered in the Dynasty Warriors game series.

Zhong Hui as rendered in the Dynasty Warriors game series.

[[I am a major fangirl for Zhong Hui. In Dynasty Warriors, that is, since I have no idea what he looks like in reality… heh. But I thought he was a very interesting figure, so I did some research and synthesized all I learned into a short, sweet little summary.]]

Zhong Hui was an extremely educated and significant figure of the Three Kingdoms era. He had come from an exceptionally prestigious family that was known for it’s expertise in law and were politically influential. His father, Zhong Yao, was a powerful statesman of Wei who was also prolific in scholarship and calligraphy. Zhong Hui had been raised to follow his father’s footsteps, and his mother was a devoted student to classical texts. Zhang Changpu, his mother, had encouraged her son to pursue education and was essentially his mentor. Zhong Hui was noted to have been close to his mother, and had written a biography about her that does not exist in the modern day, along with many of his prolific works. (Omg, wai.) He had entered the

He was extremely intelligent and was an accomplished interpreter of classical Chinese texts such as the Yijing and philosophical works.

Zhong Hui was the youngest of three brothers, and was the most successful of them as he had reached the highest point of his career as one of the ‘Three Excellencies’ and served as the Minister of Culture and Instruction. He was significant in the Conquest of Shu by Wei. bBecause of his arrogant attitude and mindset, he set out to take what he believed was rightfully his by attempting to take over the Jin. He was a particular friend of Jiang Wei, and together, they led a rebellion that led to both their demises. He did not have a wife, nor children.